Drugs and Allergies
The human body has an almost infinite capacity to react to many substances, and prescription medications are included. A healthy person in need of a pain reliever for a pulled muscle or broken bone might find out just how severe a reaction is when they take the medicine they have been given to ease the pain. Drugs and allergies are a serious combination that can be fatal in rare cases, so knowing what to expect when taking any medicine is important.
There are families of drugs that will generally affect people in the same way if any of them are taken, so it is important to inform any doctor of previous drug reactions. Some produce mild rashes, but others can cause a person to have difficulty breathing. Muscle spasms or lack of control can be a result of an allergy. All of these can occur when taking a drug the body rejects, so reading the literature could be the best positive step any patient takes.
While most allergic reactions to drugs are relatively mild, patients should be aware that the effects can be cumulative. A person taking a pain reliever that causes a mild rash should inform the doctor as the same medication can eventually close up their airways. Doctors are aware of the interaction between allergies and drugs, and they can generally find an acceptable substitute that will be readily available for their patients.
Any negative reaction of the body to a substance indicates it is being rejected, so patients should immediately call their medical provider to discuss a substitute. Continuing to take the medication could result in more harmful effects as the body continues the process of rejection, and those could be deadly. Calling a doctor for a different prescription may seem like a bother, yet it is one any physician would rather get than a notification their patient is in the emergency room with a reaction that could be fatal.